Monday, October 19, 2009

Stop by for SpOoKy SQUISH Shopping!

Our OCTOBER market is here! We're starting this time at a new time: 1pm-7pm!  We have great vendors - Photography, Fine art, Tshirts, Vintage, Knits, Jewelry - and of course - CUPCAKES! =)  We have three great performers playing thoughtout the day!  As always FREE ADMISSION - So come by and join us!! 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chopped for Charity!!

In lieu of our NEXT SQUISH ART MARKET on OCTOBER 24th ( Visit for more info!) - I just wanted to take a minute to talk quickly about a great charity that I'm sure you've heard of! 

 Locks of Love helps sick children who have all sorts of diseases that are causing them to lose their hair - get wigs made up specifically for them.  These wigs are made of donations that are sent from all over the world.  The process starts by taking a cast mold of the child's head - then from that mold, a plastic one is made - and sent back to the family.  The child tests to make sure that one fits.  From there the child picks out the color of hair they desire - and from that point the wig masters will blend all different colors of highlights and low-lights, to create a natural looking head of hair.  It takes one month to produce the actual wig - as they go strand by strand - the process is really amazing!  After all this, the end product is a tightly fitting wig for a child - so that they can do 'normal' kid activities, without having to worry about this wig falling off of their head during soccer, or swimming! 

Most salons work with Locks of Love, and some even provide you with a free haircut (depending on how many inches you're willing to donate).  If you have the extra hair, and are looking for a change - why not?!  It is a great cause!  Helping a lot in a little way!

Pictured below and above: Friday, October 9th - I donated 12 inches!  Follow my lead! =)